Overall Assistance for Startup Immigration System (OASIS) is a program operated by Global Startup Immigration Center designated by the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Small and Medium Venture Businesses. Develop your entrepreneurial skills with OASIS courses, and learn from those who've been there and done it before with our guides.
OASIS (Overall Assistance for Startup Immigration System) provides both start-up support and start-up visa (D-8-4) to foreigners who decide to launch business in Korea based on outstanding ideas and technology.
Bachelor’s degree or Associate’s degree (only Korea) or Global Start-up Immigration Center Letter
+ 60 points+ (at least one required item should be included)
+ Corporation establishment
Items | Holder (registrant) of intellectual property rights (IPR) | Co-inventor of registered/acquired intellectual property rights | Applicant of intellectual property rights (up to 10 points) |
Recipient of government startup support programs[1] or OASIS 6 or OASIS 9 |
Stayed for more than 3 years with Professor(E1) or Researcher (E3) visa[2] |
Secured investment of 100+ million KRW[3] | |||
Patent | Utility model or design | Patent | Utility model or design | Patent | Utility model or design | ||||
Points | 60 | 30 | 30 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 30 | 30 | 60 |
Items | OASIS-1, OASIS-2[4], OASIS-4 | OASIS-5, OASIS-7, OASIS-8 | Korean Language Proficiency | Possession of a Master’s Degree or Higher From domestic or overseas universities | |
Completion of TOPIK Level 5 or higher, or KIIP Level 5 or higher | Completion of TOPIK Level 3 or higher, or KIIP Level 3 or higher | ||||
Points | 10(each) | 15(each) | 20 | 10 | 10 |
1.0Hr Understanding Korean society
2.0Hr Understanding immigration control law & OASIS
3.0Hr Introduction to intellectual property systems
2.0Hr Finding invention ideas
2.0Hr Sharing the ideas and presentation
1.0Hr Upgrade the ideas
2.0Hr Advanced understanding intellectual property right
2.0Hr OA, patent litigation system, etc.
2.0Hr Finding inventino ideas(Advanced course)
2.0Hr Prior art search and practice for patent information
2.0Hr Understanding the drawing and practice
2.0Hr Understanding and writing of invention declaration
2.0Hr Mock trial(case 1)
2.0Hr Mock trial(case 2)
2.0Hr Understanding the copyrights
2.0Hr Case study for startup using intellectual property
0.5Hr Orientation and course introduction
2.0Hr Understanding of immigration laws and regulations
2.0Hr Advanced understanding of Korean society
2.0Hr Understanding of business management and tax system
2.0Hr Practice of real estate
2.0Hr Understanding and practice of target marketing
2.0Hr Theory and practice of business plan writing method
2.0Hr Understanding of related policies including small business start-up support, etc.
2.0Hr Understanding of start-up and business management -related laws and regulations
2.0Hr Practice of presentation before investors and shareholders
2.0Hr Advanced understanding of Korean society
2.0Hr Survey and closing ceremony